Monday, December 3, 2007

Two Birthdays Are Better Than One

Yesterday, I taught a new student who didn't know when his birthday was. All he could tell me was that he was born on the 5th day of the lunar calendar in the year of 1982. Like most Chinese (and Koreans) he only celebrates his moon birthday which changes every year. This year, the first day of the Chinese lunar year will be February 7 - so my student's moon birthday will be on February 11. If your moon birthday is later in the year, a program on most Chinese mobile phones will help you calculate the exact date in the Gregorian calendar (our calendar) it falls on. Apparently the year that your birthday and moon birthday fall on the same day is supposed to be really special - some unlucky people die of old age before this happens to them.

Before our lesson was over I asked to see his ID card, which surely contains his real birthday. It said February 14, but he assured me a government employee accidentally entered his date of birth incorrectly (or just had a special fondness for Valentine's Day).

Go to this link ( to find out when your moon birthday is.

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